For surgical and non-surgical management of your foot problems
Corns on the toes and on the feet make putting on footwear difficult and walking painful. There are three types of corns - soft corns, hard corns and seed corns that appear on the toes or between the toes. Soft corns are sited between the toes - moist areas lead to hydration of the skin and the skin overlying the corn can have a rubbery texture. Hard corns develop over the toes or under the feet in an area of high pressure which can be extremely painful.
A corn that appears on the foot or the ball of the foot is called a seed corn. Seed corns usually occur within a large area of callus under the foot. They are tiny hence the word 'seed' – however, they can be very painful.
Corns are normally small in size. A callus is a much larger piece of skin than a corn, see picture. It is usual that a callus grows around a corn. If corns are not treated and there is an underlying complication such as diabetes, long-term complications such as infection can occur.
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