Ingrowing toenails

Ingrowing toenails are a common painful problem. Often clients have had an ingrowing toenail for some time and they may have been prescribed several courses of antibiotics. Ingrowing toenails will not settle until the ingrowing part of the nail is removed.
What causes an ingrowing toenail?
- Inherent nail-shape
- Poor nail-cutting
- Tight footwear
- Foot injury
What happens during the ingrowing toenail removal procedure?
- The ingrowing part of the nail will be removed painlessly
- The procedure will be under local anaesthetic within a treatment room in the Outpatients ward in one of our clinics
What happens after the ingrowing part of the toenail is removed?
- The toe normally takes 1-2 weeks to heal, following the correct wound-care advice
- There will be 2-3 post-operative visits required. The first visit is normally 2 days post-procedure with a nurse in Outpatients. The second visit will be 2 weeks post-procedure. Depending on recovery, one further appointment may be required 4 weeks after the procedure.
Will there be any post-operative infection?
- Infection immediately following the procedure is unlikely
- On rare occasions,(mostly if wound-care advice is not followed) an infection may occur usually between 1-2 weeks following the procedure
Will the ingrowing toenail grow back?
- There may be a recurrence of ingrowing toenail
- There may be unwanted re-growth of all or part of the nail
- The nail plate may be damaged
Can I claim on my health insurance?
- Masucci Podiatry is recognised by all the major health insurers. Whilst we will always answer your questions to the best of our ability, clients should be aware of the terms of their health insurance policy before coming to the first appointment with us.
- The relevant health insurance codes are:- S7010 - phenolisation: chemical nail-bed ablation, S6400 - incisional: nail bed excision orAA629 - new Bupa code (June 2012, podiatric surgeon package)